Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

membebel (i)

i even have no idea wuts d title shud be..

2weeks more and sumthing stuck in my head till now..

let see..beyond the excitement of preparing...wut do i hate about wedding prep???

too many people with too many ideas..
seriously..im all confused!
i love wut i see..& i will take wut i love..the usual me..

i dun really go too detail on brand..i dont dream brand..i dream designs..if its cheap but pretty..so wut the hell rite..

but in wedding prep..its haaaaard to go cheap..i found it hard to take the design i like without strong brand and feeling proud of it..

i wasted cash going double of this and that just to find out every each is not right..

imagine seeking approval from 3 different people..different taste..different generation..!!

its hard..

i know everyone wanted to help out..wants my day to be great..the best it can be

but at one point..i just wanna go ignorant..just go go go..

abah pernah cakap..

'dalam kenduri kawin ni..kadang2 buat banyak dosa je..berlebih-lebihan..mengumpat-umpatan'

if u go perfect on sumthing..there will always..always..alwaaaays be sumthing yg not nice..people will always come out with some bad comment..

abah pernah pesan..

yang penting berkat..barakah..

itu yg memegang sebuah perkahwinan..

and i know he is right...


tapi takkan dapat lari dari debaran fikir wut will other people say if this or that..

hope this feeling will go away..

cuz sebenarnye disebalik kecerewetan ppl around me..means they care..a lot..to take the time and think wuts the best for me..
they help me out in so many ways..
so in the end of this journey..
i will always be grateful for them too~

1 comment:

chOcOnoKuNi said...

salam babe..jgn susah hati sgt okey? go with ur own choices.ape org len pk sumer tu beyond our ctrl..so bia laa..wth kan?;p yg penting org sekeliling yg syg kite hepi n the main thing u urself feel happy..insyaallah,wedding ko will be just gr8,afterall u r the bride kan? mestilah gr8!;p ;) xoxo