Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, 31 January 2009


Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,
And summer's lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines,
And often is his gold complexion dimm'd;
And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature's changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow'st;
Nor shall Death brag thou wander'st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow'st:
So long as men
can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.
William Shakespeare

i decided to change my blog name into..'this'
since the purpose of creating it mase awal2 aritu is to junk in my love stories..family,mysayang,friends..;)
i saw sonnet18 paper on my bro's desk..& i was like..heeyyyy..i hafal ni dulu2..& seriously i still remember half of it by heart..so bile bace smpai bawah..the rest of the poem fills in my mind..
waahh..i miss school~
..and kebetulan mase jumpe fae,kema & moone aritu..suddenly memories bout my english lit teacher pops out..ms.moomala~ hehe..i love her class..she's so passionate when teaching english lit..& i also remember those baby-steps books we use to make the learning proses easiear..haha..minda-minda sains yang kurang berseni it seems..

and i change the layout too..i love the previous polka dot..tapi tapi..title blog yg terletak di tepi that i hate...berazam untuk dapatkan skin yg lebih chanteekk..tapi takde time..hehe..lantak lah..

nah..gambar sonnet 18~





Sunday, 25 January 2009


zainul ask me to change my blog name..
'silence is bliss' is not for a blog with pot-pets and complaints..:P
tgh pikir lagi ape bende nak tuka..
i miss my room @ ukraine..
i miss my crazy friends who call me the crazy One..
i miss my rOcky yg suke mengomel ngomel..

haha..pelik kah miss ukraine? of cozzz not! dah spend almost 5years there..takkan tak miss a bit pon..tapi i still love being @ hOme..who doesn't kan? hehe..si tamak yg mahu dua-dua life..

ps:i miss mysayang yg tgh bz itu juge ;)

Sunday, 18 January 2009

when u're gone..~

to be honest..
i'm the kind of person..who always always mistakenly take things around me for granted..not that i'm not grateful..but i will appreciate MORE when it's gOne..
i didn't mean gone like 'kepoooshh' gone..but gone like..not a habit anymOre..*sigh*

i remember the first few months knowing mysayang..i think he has this kind of weird obsession..he tend to mark and remember every single date that is meaningful and keep track of the 'anniversary' of it each month..ok..at least that was the plan..cuz it already stopped at anniversary no.1..well..his roomies psyched him saying dun scare me off like that..(and i was at that time..)..
hehe..i feel honoured really having sumone who like me and appreciate every single thing that is related to me..but the teke-teki part that's killing me..haiisshh..dubdabdubdab jantung when he asked.."do u knw wut day is today?"..well..*blankfOraMinute* and then i learn that it's the date where we first eat roti canai together..at putrajaya cafe (ukraine)..errr...ok...people remember first date yeah i know~ but unfortunately i dun consider that as a date..its more like..accidentally eating together for the first time..haha..first accident lah kire nye..(glad not the last..;) )

..and he remember a few other accidents until friends around him suggest to minimize it maybe into..one single date to celebrate..and that is..lucky number 17..the first time he sms'ed me..17/11/2005..

..and i remind u again about my lack of appreciation..sometimes i forgot to wish on 17th..until he ask me..do i knw wut day is today..and as he well know me..he sometimes detect my lack of memory about that day..tp happen beberape kali saje la ok..

but when we are separated...far far away from each other..when he get sooo freakin busy with his work..when he's sometimes so 'in'to his work..it makes me feel insecure &..jealous..(wut the heck jealous..but yeah i am!)..i'm jealous that he's so busy that makes him cool and able to handle this long-distance relationship calmly..so busy that i think it can take his mind off me..and i am jealous of that busy-ness..i need it badly cuz i'm a mess thinking bout him most of the time that it even sumtimes hurt myself..i live in live-memory of us @ ukraine..and it's hard to not to think bout him...

..and my lack of appreciation hit me back..
..desperately wanting attention..i, who always forgot bout 17, b'come obsess with it..excitedly looking forward to it..to call..to wish him..to hear sweet wishes from him..
i wished..
but he didn't..
i waited till 12..
still no sms..
but he called..
because he accidentally fall asleep..
and he saw few missed calls from me..
and my call-me-back sms ..
(thanx to maxis but that doesn't work when the other person is sleeping..obviously..)
and..i have to ask..
what he asked each month for 3 years..
and i asked..
..do u remember wut day is..was..yesterday?
yeah..he knows..it's 17..
and that's only it..
and my heart gets a tiny-miny pin cut..

grrrr..i'm mad with my-silly-selfish-self..he's busy..and how's sumthing with a tiny priority wud fit in his long-tiring hours of working? i..of coz can think about it..look foward to it..since i'm free and holiday-ing..


huhu..i understand his situation..
but i need to get this out of my system..

he's great actually..he never miss to sms me everyday..not even once..he called me whenever he has time..and i definitely appreciate that!!! *^_^*

ps: as a reminder..i am a lousy girlfriend at the first place..kesian him for having me in his life..i'm stubborn..selfish..i always talkback..rebelious..i change mymind in a snap..and i've disappoint him in a countless time and way..and he still love me..(i think..~) haha..i know he loves me..cuz i love him too..with conditions that i began to hardly sees..

malaysia time:

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

my choo choo train~

malaysia time: 08:39, 14january09

i'm at home..
my home..
i wanted to write..
about so many things..
but mama's lappy is sick..
& it makes me sick too..
& makes me forgot..
things that i wanna write..

so i scribble this..
using my dad's lappy..
describing my fellings..
beside happiness for being at home..

yesterday we took a train..
we looked at the window..
and wondering which town we passed..
we laughed at the boy who slept mouth wide open..
we talk nonsense out of nonsense..
but we giggled cuz we understand..

today we take the train..
i look at the window..
and tell u about what i saw outside..
and u keep the silence..
u look at the window..
and tell me bout what u saw outside..
but i keep my silence..
why's our story different?
why's what we saw through the window different?

so i wonder..

..are we in the same train?

ps: still wondering..my grammar sux..english & bm..*sigh* mind the error ok~

Wednesday, 7 January 2009


ok..start ngan alhamdulillah..

alhamdulillah..saya bersyukur kerana:

1. setelah terpakse bediri selama 2jam setengah untuk mmbayar bill letrik kat privat bank depan dekanat,ibu jari kaki saya yg cute ini masih dpt merase sakit bila terlanggar bucu katil

2.setelah dua hari mengharungi kesejukan, dan berdiri berjam2 kat dekanat untuk apply fowardkan date exam..akhirnye bejaya di fowardkan..smpi kesaat2 akhir tecegat kat situ..smpai whole dekanat da takde sesape kecuali dean ngan inspector..untk menyetelkan masalah2 budak2 yg tak penah abes wat masalah ni..

(note: inspector bukan lah mcm inspector gadget mahupun inspector sahab..die hanye seorg pompuan yg bekeje sbg pengurus student2..time kasih..hehe~)

3.kerana parcel yg mengandungi stock makanan dr malaysia akhirnye sampai..kurus sudah makan makanan ukraine..i'm not very sure bout student2 malaysia yg dok kat tmpat len ade tak wat 'peel' cam dak2 ukraine buat..hehe..fyi kami suke post barang mknn dari malaysia..

kami post kicap, sos tiram, serbuk2 cam kari,kurma,cili,maggi,serunding dan yg paling saya (dan qis jugee!) suke ialah post 3 in 1..wahaha..call us membazir..call us mengade..we dun care..call ukraine tepahape-sbb-xde-3in1 best2 pun we lagi dun care..

ade..indocafe white coffee,cappucino, nescafe 3in1 yelo & red, nestum, milo fuze, milo fuze calcium, milo fuze ice..dan kami akan(wajib) bawak milo paket yg plain tu berkilo2..hehehehe..iloike..

ps: td baru wat nescafe 2in1 yg merah..tebace lak die tulis kat situ.."rasa cukup segalanya.." huh??

4.kerana di beri kesempatan untuk makan nasik goreng belacan zen!!! wuhuuu..lapa sehhh..

ok..setelah duejam lebih bediri kat luar yg tgh sejuk -5degree..sejuk ok..aura2 demam mule menjenguk..aaaiyohh..pliss ya Allah..jgn la bg demam dkat2 nak exam..

tarikh exam bejaye difwdkan kpd 8hb..subject: socmed..means luse! (means i shudnt be blogging..& go stdy instead nadia!!!!!)

ok..camne saya leh dapat nasik goreng zen yg sedap itu??

camni..balik dr dekanat..berehat2 pehtu tido..selepas beberape episode mimpi..maka terbangun lah..mase tu da denga2 cam zen kat dapur..tung tang tung tang masak..aroma pun cam mule menusuk nostril..tapi saya terus terlantar kerane tak berdaye..tak lame pastu zen pon masuk bilik ngan seperiuk something..

nad:zeennn..huuk hukk..aku rase nak demaaaamm..(wat muke toya)

zen: hah? eh da nak exam..makan2 nasik..pehtu mkn ubat..!

nad: (yesss)..umm..tgk lah..(bepure2 tak telebih teruja)

nad:zen..cube rase dahi..panas x?

zen:(letak tgn kat dahi nad) haaah panasss..bangun2 makan nasik wehh..

nad: (bangun)..uuu sedap nyeee..nak sket leh? ko msak pe??

zen: eh amek laa..aku masak byk..nasik goreng bodo je pon

nad:(bodo laaa sgt..nmpak sedap gileeee!)

nad pon ngan langkah longlai gi amek cawan..minum air kosong (cubaan untuk belagak cool depan nasik goreng n zen)..pehtu duduk2 kat kusi qis jap..smbil tgk zen bekemas2 nak ke bilik wawa..selang beberape minit..zen pon blah..tak smpai seminit pemergian zen..nad srazu amek pinggan..amek nasik goreng..makaaaaaan time! (bace doa...)..uuuu..dlm tu ade crab stick ngan kobis..kegemaran ;)

thank you zen fOr ur nasik..sedap..perut ku akan mengenang jasa baik ko alwaysss~

hehe..well fyi..my rumies sgt2 baik..esp bile i'm sick..mereka kdg2 offer nak amek kan ubat ke? nak milo? nak air masak? hehe..tenkiu guyss..

ok..saya rase la kan..saya ade immunity yg agak rendah (haha poyo) ..xde la smpai immunodeficiency..tp agak senang demam..antara event2 yg leh wat aura demam ni singgah are:

-bile tido tak tentu time..xam time la slalunye ni..akan followed by flu..then demam

-bile acute changes of weather..kjap panas..pehtu sejuk..pehtu sok panas balik..pehtu sejuk balik..hoho..shock satu badan..

-bile sedih..haha..betul ok! bile sedih yg smpai tido tak lena..msti demam..sbb tu mysayang akn selalu dgr ''umm..rase xsehat ar..rase nk demam''..pagi after gadoh mlm tu..:P haha..bukan belakon mntak simpati..ni facts~

-bile kne angin malam yg belebihan dose..slalu after camping2 mesti demam~

humm..tu je kot..kang banyak2 mcm mengade2 la pulak kan..lol..

ok lah..panjang nye bab alhamdulillah..

the amin part..

""ya Allah ya Tuhan ku..berikan lah kejayaan kepada diri ku, adik2 ku,ibu bapa ku, farhan, sahabat2 ku, guru2 ku..dan kejayaan buat seluruh umat Islam ya Allah..Kau peliharalah kami dalam lindungan Rahmat dan kasih sayangMu..Kau murah kan lah rezeki kami, permudahkan lah urusan harian kami..Sesungguhnya hanye padaMu kami memohon ampun..& hanya kepada Mu kami memohon pertolongan..

ya Allah..Kau lindungi lah saudara2 kami di Palestin..bebaskanlah mereke dr kekejaman orang2 yg zalim..berikan lah kejayaan & ketenangan dalam hidup mereka..

ya Allah..permudahkan lah exam kami.."

~amin ya Rabbal a'lamin~

humm..mysayang is having a rough patch in his worklife..i hope he can hold himself together & get thru this phase with strength and patient..from far away..i can only send my prayers..i think every doctors were born from hardship, pressure and long hours of endless work..huhu..its a cycle of life..then only u can get to the top..i will go thru it one day..i hope i'll be strong enough..

dabdibdub:fyi..i'm a crybaby..huuu..tak caye..tanye qis, zen,my classmates,my anat teacher,my russian teacher..(and mila..:p)..

(crybaby macam senior izyan najwa juga!)

ini..ROCKY ;)

Saturday, 3 January 2009

welcOme 2009 ;)

it's 2009..

wushhh..that means soon i'll be 24..aaaaaaarghh..freakin' 24!!..mase umur 24 neh..mama lahirkan me..haha..camne ek rupenye kalu da de baby skrg..uweekk uweekk kat sebelah ni ha~ :P 

actually i wanted to sleep..badan penat gile..bahu pun cam lenguh sbb acara menyelam web dr ptg td..tapi ntah nape..baring2 tp still xdpt lelap..pehtu lak jantung ni beating SUPER HARD..cam nak sgt kuar dr thorax..gosh..maybe die nak soh bgn stdy or wat pape yg bermakne sket kot..

anyway..aritu senanye berazam nak share gmbar new year celeb dr camera baru zen!! after zillion times talking about it..trizillion time saying..'wiken ni usha jom..'' (but endup tak pon!byk alasan..)..alas..die beli gak..nyehehe..seb bek kite berkawan kan? leh tompang gambar sekaki due..

zen beli nikon d60..ngan harge yg..lebih kurang cam kat m'sia..sebenarnye die nak dpt mnde tu ngan harge yg murah dr m'sia tapi procedure nak membawaknye akan menyusahkan diri ini..(haha..sorry babe..xberkorban tuk ko la plak)..plus she wants that cam b4 her eurotrip..maka..die beli lah di sini~ 

ok..fyi..ukraine pelik..siyes..cam kat msia..kalu beli sumthing tu..cam syok gile bile leh dpt free mcm2..memory card la..beg la..tripod stand tu..ape2 la yg syiok2..nak upgrade pape ke leh kawtim kawtim je ngan apek kedai tu..tapi kat siniii..sume dijual berasingan yeh..the memorycard..the bag..takde satu peeee pon yg free sbg tanda congrats bejaye mengumpul duit tuk membeli..even nk beli contact lens pon charge sebelah2..rasenye kat m'sia paired kan?? seb bek tak jual kasut harge sebelah2 gak..-_-;

oh berbalik pade azam..hehe..senanye azam nak amek gmbr..upload la kat sini..tapii..rupe2nye itu lah azam 2009 yg petame yg tak tercapai..haha..kitorg wat mkn2 senanye..kecik2 saje..tapi sbb penat bejalan seharian..siang bli cam..petang gi furshet bli brng..so malas nak bershantek2 untuk amek gmbr..juz mkn sambil baring tgk muvi..hehe..permulaan tahun baru yg kurang memberangsangkan..hmmmphhh..

ok..sini nak share movie yg kami telah layan..dan rate kan..hehe..suke suki je~ i dont want to write bout it much..no spoilers ok..juz sile la tgk~

+sile layan muvi berikut..+

hoho..citer neh besst! ade pengajaran untuk girls yg suke travel2 neh..citer ni wat kitorg rase cam..canggih gileee kalu de bapak yg seterer nehh!! bukan la tande tak besyukur  ngan  bapak memasing..tapi ape nak wat..mmg shanggih! 5/5 la bagi..sbb die bejaye gak wat kitorg merefer2 balik ke citer neh bile time beborak2~

haa..citer nih pasal postpartum psychosis..cam meroyan la dlm bahase melayunye (kot..) ..best nye citer neh smpai wat zen yg asek tido ketike movie night terjerit2 besame kami2 yang lain..hehe..5/5..fuhh~

citer ni kiuuutttttt!! Bolt sangaaat kiut..citer ni citer lepak2..leh tgk ngan adik2 sume..kelaka la gak ngan aksi2 si Bolt neh..~ 4/5

errr..citer neh citer lameee..2006 kalu xsilap.. (mase me 2nd year??..huih.) baru nak layan..nak wat caner..fine to call us ketinggalan..xde pe pon adegan saspen..cume cam syok layan saje smbil baring2..3/5

citer ni pasal budak pompuan yg manje n spoilt..rebelious..kne hantar skola asrama..predictable sket la..tapi bess je layan.. hehe..tagline..'ewwwww..ewwww''..carik2 ;p ~ 4/5

citer bese laa..hehe..citer cinta~ yg leh ditgk smbil baring2..urmm..layan la~3/5

ps: ni mmg poster die ok..bkan me yg conteng~~

ok..ade gak muvi yang hampaaaaa~ booo! kitorg da boring tgk citer antu yg typical! tolong laa wat idea2 baru..xabes2 nk tiru ju-on..antu merangkak2 la..mayat dalam dinding la..pehtu antu yg hanye penonton (yg malang ini..) sahaje yg perasan..org yg dlm citer tu prasan kdg2 saje..itu pon senanye kunun2 mimpi..hmphhhh..emo ni..~ 

+sile tgk kalu da takde pe kat dunia ni nk tgk dah..+

(antare2 nye la..byk senanye tp da delete)..ni sume dvoika..2/5

nak kate beranak dlm kubur pun..ntah..xde ditekan kan sgt pon psl baby2 dr kubur ke..die teberanak dlm kubur ke..

haha..tak bes..tapi kalu nk tgk gak..sile la..tagline..''sayang..cinta ini milik kita berdua..'' kire2 bape kali wujudnye..~

ok dah..sekian saje edisi kali ini..daaaa~~

dabdibdubsaye menyedari satu habit hari ini..senanye da prasan b4..arini baru varify..bile saye sedih atau nervous dan pergi baring..saye dapat tau yg kaki kanan..kanan sahaje..akan begoyang2..erk..caner nak bagi bayangan yg tepat..bukan la whole lower extremities..tapi foot..bukan la shaking yg scary cam tremor..tapi..cam..goyang kaki lah..aihh..ape2 saje~