Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, 12 February 2009

my iceblended cappucino

120209 06:00 ukraine

yesterday i slept around 8pm..
and woke up around 3.30am..actually da start tejage tejage since 12 sbb dlm pale dok tepikir de assignmnt yg blum diselesaikan..cewahh..haha..ye arr..my traumatology teacher, mr.Kobeks (ok..siriestataucamneeje name die yg betui..i know i know ejaan Kobeks seems funny) cam silent killer..urghh..die tak marah..or wat muke pissed off bile xdpt jawab soklan-soklan mencabar minda dia..tapi ade sumthing bout him..yg wat heart kitorg tachycardic mse tgh jalan towards kelas..and probably dpt cardiac arrest ble in the class..sheeshhh..but he's kind..and zainul have a crush on him..sket.. :p soo zainul's type..hairy-tall-taff-hairy..

dlm pukul 3, half heartedly bangun..bukak study lamp..masak air panas..g basuh2 cawan sat..and letak sepeket nescafe dlm tu..heezzzz..layan layan..pehtu bukak facebook jap..usha2..tapis2 friend request..haha..mcm la banyak request..and start googling my assigmnt..ahh..telupe..i reformattd my pc..so no microsoft word..ok..isohunt it and bit comet it and wait it..and smentare dload siap..i google & google and got pissed off..freaking susaaah nak carik punye material..(partly bcoz the halfhearted thing i mentioned earlier..hehe)..disebabkan minum nescafe pagi2..it irritates my bowel..so a trip to thinking-room kjap..and balik ke tmpat keje ngan rase yg lebih fresh..lucky me the next hit button strike a good site..woohh..bes bes..words pon da siap dload..kje pon leh start..capai cawan coffee nak amek seteguk dua kehangatan coffee..urgghh..da sejuk ar pulaak coffee nye..i hate winter..tak smpai seploh minit g toilet td coffee da jd sejuk gile mcm dr fridge..dah sejuk jadi manis gile lak tu..td tak manis sgt pon..cam elok2 je..campur ah air masak sket..dalam proses mncapai air masak kat tepi meje..mata terpandang another mug..and i reach it..and its warm and aromatic and its today's..pffffffffffffffffffffffffffftttttwth..i drank yesterday's coffee..that explain the coldness~

so i blog..and wait for my next trip to toilet..hopefuly not during my class time..*sigh*

dabdibdub: bone fracture?? minum susu untuk tulang yg kuat!! ok...camne kalu tak suke susu..hah..xsuke?? hello..calcium dlm susu wat tulang kite jadi kuat okeyy..ye ke..???? budak yg tak minum susu clearly takes longer time to heal their fracture..but it's not bout calcium..it's bout the vit.D..lembu tak letak vit.D dlm susu derang fyi..lab folks do..so kalu anak anda tak suke minum susu..fine..letak vitD sumwhere else..dlm eskrem ke..lolipop ke..err..ok tu tipu..but careful to consult dokter dulu..overdose vitD may be fatal..hohoho..siriesly?? ...yess..siriesly..
umm..minum susu wont..;) but i dun fancy plain milk..esp susu tepung more specific baby punye..it gaggzz me..urghhh

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