Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Friday, 20 March 2009


it has been a while since my last visit to saifulislam.com..

bukan keras hati atau gelap hati..hehe..cume ade musim je hati ni nak kesane..isk~
hehe..mostly because entry nye serius dan berat dan panjang..so nak membace kne lah ade ke'mantop'an fizikal untuk focus..ok la..hendak seribu daya la kan..dun bang me..it's totally individual..i can read Harry Potter like crazy berjam jam terbaring-duduk-golek-diri-tido if i want to..

i love reading Harry Potter..sangat! ;)

ok..berbalik pade polis haram..entry saifulislam.com yang wat i tertarik was about si polis cinta..

well..from my personal point of view..personally..i dislike people who didn't know how to give advice properly..haha..ok..diri sendiri pun sangat tak reti menasihatkan org..siries xde skill..alih alih kang terjadi marah..:P emo..ban me from being judge,police,ustazah..

personally..aku rase cam ade satu jurang yang sangat super besar antara orang-orang yang menasihati kerana dia ingin orang lain itu berubah atas dasar die sayangkan dan care tentang orang itu..deeeengaan..sejenis lagi penasihat2 yang menasihati atas sebab2 selain dari sebab sayangkan orang lain itu..hehe..

personally..menurut pengalaman sendiri..nasihat yang aku personally suke adelah dari orang yang lembut kata2 nye..jernih airmuke nye..suare die tu bukan la kene merdu cam buluh perindu tapi kata-katanye tochna menusuk kalbu laah~haa..haha..orang yang byk berdose ini macam mendemand penasihat yg diingini..

xde la kan..cam secare teori nye sume orang akan dengar..boleh dikatekan la hanye akan dengar nasihat dari orang yang tak buat pekare jahat yang dinasihatinye itu..kan? dan ditambah dengan akhlak2 yang baik..

tapi..masalahnye dengan polis haram di edisi sonnet18 ini..hmmm..adelah sejenis penasihat2 yang bukan nak nasihat baik2..mereke ni jenis suke ar terjah menerjah..marah marah dengan penuh emotional..bertindak memalukan pihak pesalah..dan aku paling nyampah is..bile mereke menjadikan sesi 'berbincang' masalah2 komuniti ini semacam sesi 'gosssssipp terhangat'..haaa..tu la die yang sebenorrnye kan..

aku rase aku hidup dalam komuniti yang masih ade hati yang baik dalam diri masing-masing..bukan la sampai hati hitam keras macam batu tak leh nak ubah ke ape..
personally aku rase..kalu betul2 nak nasihatkan orang sebab mengambil berat pasal hal tersebut..jangan lah buat sampai orang itu benci kita! eh bukan kita..kau/kamu/awak/u!

untuk tego rumah org lain kotor..kite kene at least..dapat masuk ke kawasan umah orang itu dan tunjuk kat mane kotor tu..tuu..nmpak tak tu..haa..yang ini haa kotor...;)

takkan kau pegi jerit dr luar pagar..eiii..dapur ko tu hitam laaa..busuk..jijik..keji..!!

org tu pun cam konfius2..dapur belah mane? hitam macam mane?hitam sangat ke? eh jap pehal jerit2..ahh..shaddap..gilo ke..malas dengar ah..benci..

pehtu bile org tu watdulik (it's like acting doesnt care)..kau pegi tepon majlis perbandaran..soh pi tgk dapur kotor tu..supaye derang bagi la nasihat sedas dua disamping saman ke hape..

dan tuan rumah terus menutup pintu rumah mereke dari kau..dan jangan la kau harap untuk senang2 nak masuk lagi dengan mudah..

dan kau canangkan kat seantero dunia yang org itu gelap hati dah..wat the ikan~

aku percaya hati yang baik dapat terime pekare baik..walaupun sedikit..mustahil lah hati yang baik tak tercuit langsung..mungkin hanye insaf sepuluh saat..tapi mungkin itu permulaan yang baik?

personally..aku rase tak berbaloi kau menjadikan semua orang berpaling dari kau sedangkan hati2 itu boleh lagi dibentuk..rugi aku rase..~

-jangan la kau menggunakan label menasihati..untuk menjadikan kau nampak mulia dan seperti serikandi!

-jangan la kau menggunakan kata2 ilmuan kau untuk buat orang lain nampak jahiliah..!

-jangan la kau cuba create sempadan antara kau dan orang lain..supaya kau seolah2 berade di zone syurga dan orang lain berade dizone..err..tanak la neraka..tapi dizone yang lambat sket masuk syurga!

kau kne tau ape motif perjuangan kau..ape matlamat kau..dan kau buat semuanye kerana siapa??
sebab kalau kau betul betul tahu..aku rase kau takkan sebegini..

dan..bersangka baik lah..aduhh..tak larat u otak ni kalu dok pikir yang terlalu tersirat dan rahsia..apetah lagi ngan teori2 yang tak habis2 negative..
bersangka baik lah iye dok..?


ini bukan entry menasihat orang lain..ini entry untuk orang2 yang nak menasihati orang lain..so tulisan ini personally dari view seorang yang err..masuk dalam kategori calon2 mungkin kne nasihat..:p

dan sudah tentu..it works both ways..da tahu diri salah..kene la baiki kan..kire..untuk menjamin kesejahteraan ummah..kite tolong la sket orang2 yang nak menasihati ini supaya tugas mereke lebih mudah..menerima dengan tenang..mendengar dengan baik..dan bersangka baik lah dengan niat mereka menasihati..

bukan la sume nye nak jage tepi kain kite..ok? ape kite ingat kisah hidup kite ni hot~ceh..get a life..

sekian..trimas ;)

dabdibdub: pengalaman dipetik sepanjang perjalanan hidup..jangan pandai2 buat konklusi ini nak bang sesape..sile bersangke baik ngan pengurus sonnet18 okey..daaaa~

nah..ini bes..dan segale yang berlink dengannye..tak rugi..;)

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

PMS..mixture of feelings and si bakal pengantin ;)

kawan baik saya si sharmila nak kawen..

bukan men kawen kawen cam mase kecik2..

ni kawen btui btui..

yang ade tok kadi tu..

mase lepas mila bitau kami die nak kawen..

smpai skrang kami macam cakap..

"tak sangke..nak kawen da si mila tu..dulu ektip dok carik target cell je keje''

mila ade lah leukocyte..

dan lelaki kacak adelah..err..makanan nye..:P


mila adelah orang yang boleh dikategorikan sebagai organized la kan..haha..compared to me..i know she'll have her wedding under control..today's wednesday..means 2days to go..;)

i saw her countdown clock ticking..and i'm a bit nervous all of sudden..and seriously wanted to cry..
last time we hang out..was around january during my winter break..and honestly i admit..there's some changes and differences in how we used to be..but i cant figure out clearly..no..i'm afraid that i may know what and why but dont want to admit it..time and distance changed us i think..

as i write..my feelings are shaking..i feel like i want to cry..(ok..i'm already crying a bit..:'( )..i cant shake the fear of the distance between us..i fear the distance of soul and feelings..
what if its is there..the 'break-up'..

some says..best friends doesn't break up..best friends are forever..

but i've seen..i've experienced..the feelings and the thoughts..of an ex-bestfriend..

when i looked at my ex-bestfriend..i cant stop but wonder..

dear..which turn that we missed..which path that we stop walking together,we stop holding hands..did this breakup caught us off guard..or we've seen it coming.. did we just let it happen and didn't fight..have you ever had a silent wish like mine..hoping 'us' will come around eventually..

but that story doesnt have a happy ending..is it too cruel to admit that it was a flat ending..i mean..at the end..both of us just..suck it up and move on..tsk..it is cruel phrase..i know

and i really really really dont want that to happen tome and mila..i cant afford looking at our picture together and say..hey..this is me and the girl that used-to-be my bestfriend..
i freaking dont want that!!!! :(

i hope i can fix it..we can fix it..and hold each others hand till the end of the road..amin~



tujuan asal entry ini sebenarnye bukan untuk meluahkan perasaan..tapi sebenarnye nak share satu informasi yang i found it a bit funny but si mila cannot know that i found it funny until she already dinikahkan..uuu..i loike that word..hehe..ok..
i read bout how nervous she was and suddenly i felt nervous and nearly shed a tears..dah nak kawen da si mila neh..again..and the funny part was dicelah celah kekalutan beliau menguruskan last details on her wedding day..she found out that the tok kadi yang suppose to nikahkan die..is hospitalized!!!

oh mila..i am sorry..i really really hope that u already settle that..mse aku bce entry tu aku rase cam nak srazu kol kau tau..that makes me nervous..apekaahh ujian lagi 5 hari ini..tsk tsk..but bright side..at least 5hari before..not on that day..kan?kan?

and mila..i hope u already recover from ur demam..

and mila..i hope that jerawat goes away..

and mila..i really really hope everything goes well..heyy..i know evrything will go well..;)

u juz go and rock that baju pengantin ok sweetie??

and i hope bahrin wont puke on his baju melayu ten times like ur bro..hehe..ok..itu exaggerate~

and i know that u will look superly stunning..urgh..cepat la kawen..nak pictss! ;)

and i wish i wish i wish i could be there..tsk..

ini mila dan nelli ;)

err..derang tgh eksesais posing for majalah pengantin
edisi tanjung rambutan..

ni untuk majalah NONA..mila dan hubby..;)

selamat pengantin baru !!!!!!!

love all the way from ukraine..mmuuahhsss

dabdibdub: this is what u will get when my PMS aura coming.. half of heartpouring and a sudden flip into merepekking..hmpphh..mysayang used to say..during PMS..if i kill sumone..i will not be jailed..fiwwiitt..i lyke!

Monday, 9 March 2009

aksi pelajar melayu oversea terlampau..

ini kawan saya..

dia dah tersasar dari tujuan utama belajar dari luar negara..

mak bapak soh blaja jadi dokter..

tapi die ade gak pekare2 sampingan tersendiri..

die bukan malu dengan gambar nya yang tersebar di internet..

malah gembira!

katanye..hot nye gambar ni..

saya macam terkejut dengan statement itu..

tapi second thought..

hmm..boyfren not bad..

zen bakarin ngan muke ala ala manzhe khiut~

ini bermakne saya juga telah tersasar dari tujuan utama ke sini..iaitu belajar..instead saya buat ini?? cisss..

well..i found this site from a blog chipmunk18..heyy..kite same2 share number 18..!
photoediting online at this two cool sites..


seems easy at first..but kinda not later..~
my first try was gambar diatas..sekali imbas macam..OMG it blend almost perfect! ;)
but later on..when i tried to blend it with other picture..there's always sumthing wrong sumwhere...
lighting lah..angle lah..hmpphhh~
but i am proud cuz my first try was a blast..well..it made wawa LOL..
gambar dibawah akan menimbulkan ketidak puas hatian dina..
kenape bile gmbar saye..ianya cute2 saje..??


sebab saya pengurus spa..;)

jOm edit gambar..n dont forget to share!! ;)

Sunday, 8 March 2009

i found this nostalgic picture of mysayang kat satu blog nih..CSMUian..a guy..but i dont know who he is actually..i tried to figure out thru his postings and chatbox but i failed..haha..anyway..that's not my biggest concern..i dont really care anyway..cuz i am more excited to steal his picture..nyehehe..sorry!
ok..i dont steal 'his' picture..i steal mysayang's picture from his blog..not watermark or copyrightreserved there..so i'm allowed..;p


fr left: awan,topek,mysayang farhan,pinky,zilal,

mysayang,pinky,zilal,faisal and jack already graduated 2008..and they're doctors now!..am proud of the seniors..i heard they are doing well so far..
mysayang will have his exam obs&gyn selasa ni..please Allah help him go thru that xam excellently..

i think this picture was taken at Simferopol Intl' Airport..mase tu nak hantar fara khanafiah & hubby balik msia xsilap..mysayang wore darkblue tshirt written Terengganu..hehe..that shows obviously he's not from terengganu..ade ke orang yang asal dari satu negeri tu pakai tshirt souvenier negeri yang die dok tu? (urghh ayat rojak..)..

heyy..imishyu ok boyfey..ke boyfie?boyfee?boyfye? boyfiey? wth..wutever..imisyu sayangness ;)

ps: annoying tak satu hari sampai dua post..takde keje ar~

origami sushi day ;)

me with jururawatss..:( i hate..

qis ngan chopstik tipu..
die da letak getah spy senang sepit..cehh

yesterday me, qis and gie went out for a sushi lunch @ Origami Sushi..as suggested by aina & co.
hehe..bessss..i am soooo loving the prawn lasagna..nyumiess! food porpotion pun macam okey okey saje..nmpak cam sikit..tapi kitorang yang datang dengan perut lapa pon sampai boleh jadi tak larat makan..so kire worth la kan?? hehe..please take note yang makanan sini super mahal-hanya-leh-makan-sebulan-sekali .. i spent..49grv for sushi..59grv for lasagna (i dont mind cuz prawn die tak kedekut!) and 25grv for mojito nonalcohol..grrrr..air mahal~

mojito is a coctail drink..originally served with white rum..and it contain alcohol..but ours not..its a mixture of lime juice+mint..masam gileeerr..tapi bagus la sebab after kenyang gile..that drink helps to relieve it..;)

i don't suggest 4-cheese pasta..gie had that..ermm..tooo chessy..i love cheese..seriously i do..but this one is a big no no..

ps: i began to dislike my oly..*sigh* i want a new camera..i need a new camera..gambar yang kurang menarik dari camera yang sudah season..~

Saturday, 7 March 2009


life taught me to clean my own cut..
..heal my own scars..
..wipe my own tears..
..stand up when i fall..

but that has been so long ago..

and now when everything goes opposite me..
i get cut..scars and tears..
i fell down..
and forgot everything what life has taught me..

so i curled up in my bed..
with soundless cry..
wishing that everything would disperse in thin air..
and tomorrow will give a better result..
from the test of today..

Thursday, 5 March 2009

crappy cappy capry..

my horoscope personality reads i am a fatalistic..
what on earth is a fatalistic???
first guess..
being able to cause fatality??
seriously i'm able to do that?? cool~
haha..macam assassin plak..=D

that seriously shows my shallow vocab..*sigh*

fa'tal·is'tic adj

1. the acceptance of all things and events as inevitable; submission to fate: Her fatalism helped her to face death with stoic calm. 2.Acceptance of the belief that all events are predetermined and inevitable.

there..fatalistic ni macam menerime fate la lebih kurang..gituan~ bukan penyebab mane2 kematian or fatal event..so that's a new vocab ;) yeaay..

Traditional Capricorn Traits

  • Practical and prudent
  • Ambitious and disciplined
  • Patient and careful
  • Humorous and reserved
  • Pessimistic and fatalistic
  • Miserly and grudging
  • Overconventional and rigid
here goes something boring..ok..i bold which interest me the most.. The first time you meet a Capricorn they may appear aloof, but what they really are is cautious. Their interests are in art, theater, music, and in their own career. Usually they are drawn to people who are intellectually stimulating and they seek a partner who will fit into their realm of life. They prefer to discuss serious subjects, however, they will always be there to listen to a problem. People born under this sign appreciate luxury, although they don't like splurging to make an impression. They feel that money is a serious issue that spells out security.

Capricorns tend to be dominating and are not easy to win over. They also expect to be pursued and not be the pursuers. If you are going on a date with this zodiac sign, make sure you are prompt. If you say you will be there at a certain time, be there. They are intolerant to people who say something and do something else.(whohoo..but according to mysayang..im this kind of people..haha..:p *sigh..wut a gf*)

If you have a tendency to let your emotions rule you, then you may want to keep looking for someone else, since the Capricorn can come across as cool and reserved. As they take a common sense approach in almost everything they do, this will also apply to their relationship. They want to be cherished, honored, loved and respected. In return, passion will run deep and you will have a loving, lasting relationship. ;)

Monday, 2 March 2009

kegemaran baru =)

huh..cycle urology sememangnye mnjadikan kami telepek kat bilik mse wiken tanpa perlu memikirkan kelas..haha..sorri cekgu..sleepy giler bile dlm klas u~ -_-;..adekah student medic tmpat len camni gaks??

anyway..i came across mirul's blog..linked from milla's..and i saw a vclip by Dima Bilan..eto byla lubov (it was love) (youtube) ..ouhhh..dierrr sangatttzz hotzzzhunkyy..*sori mysayang* hehe..i betrayed mysonnet~

eta byla lubov punye vclip sgt..errr..sexy..maka parental control blog ini xapprove ah..tapi boleh mensuggest cari vclip itu kat youtube..hehe..

i watched almost evry vclip dr die mude smpai agak2 matured berjambang..hehe..mase die mude mmg mcm hadoii..cute~ and he has a great voice nodoubt..i am not rajin enough to search for his background..but i think he won eurovision song contest representing russia recently with his song believe (youtube) ..that song's sweeeet and i love his voice in that song..but i think 'ty dolzhna ryadam byt' settled in myheart faster...;)

as i googled his images..*sigh* byk nye pict die nude..cisss..nyampah tui..baru nak mengadore dan mengidola..tapi tamau ah sebab malu la plak nak suke banyak2 same ini bajuless guy..wut i mean by bajuless is die cover certain places by his hand sahaje..shessshh..badboy badboy~

so..ini adelah lagu baru dlm mp4 saya yg akan diputarputar selalu...hehe..;)


Te slova, chto ty skazala
Slovno kamni, brosiv mne
Ne za chto b ni napisala
Ix v proshchal'nom ty pis'me
Zachem slovami bol'no b'esh'
I tak ty ujdesh'
Ty svobodna vpolne
I ne nado vdvojne, mne xvatit i vzglyada

Te slova, chto ty skazala
Slovno kamni, brosiv mne
Ne za chto b ni napisala
Ix v proshchal'nom ty pis'me
Zachem slovami bol'no b'esh'
I tak ty ujdesh'
Ty svobodna vpolne
I ne nado vdvojne, mne xvatit i vzglyada

Ty dolzhna ryadom byt'
Ty dolzhna vse prostit'
Vybrala ty pustye mechty
Pust' i nechayanno stala otchayannej
Nasha lyubov', v zhizni ne vse tak prosto

YA lyublyu ili revnuyu
No spasaya i gubya
Ad my sdelali vruchnuyu
Tol'ko sami dlya sebya
YA v ledyanom goryu ogne
Bol'yu xolod e'to mne
A ty svobodna vpolne
Pojmi ne nado vdvojne
Mne xvatit i vzglyada

Te slova, chto ty skazala
Slovno kamni, brosiv mne
Ne za chto b ni napisala
Ix v proshchal'nom ty pis'me
Zachem slovami bol'no b'esh'
I tak ty ujdesh'
Ty svobodna vpolne
I ne nado vdvojne, mne xvatit i vzglyada

Ty dolzhna ryadom byt'
Ty dolzhna vse prostit'
Vybrala ty pustye mechty
Pust' i nechayanno stala otchayannej
Nasha lyubov', v zhizni ne vse tak prosto

YA lyublyu ili revnuyu
No spasaya i gubya
Ad my sdelali vruchnuyu
Tol'ko sami dlya sebya
YA v ledyanom goryu ogne
Bol'yu xolod e'to mne
A ty svobodna vpolne
Pojmi ne nado vdvojne
Mne xvatit i vzglyada

Ty dolzhna ryadom byt'
Ty dolzhna vse prostit'
Vybrala ty pustye mechty
Pust' i nechayanno stala otchayannej
Nasha lyubov', v zhizni ne vse tak prosto



Heavy clouds, no rain
And every move causes pain
Ready kiss, but no love
I feel I’m torn in half
Ardent look, but no heat
It’s not you really need
Baby, now it has happened with us
We are dancing on broken glass
Can’t stand no more -

Never, never let you go
You are the one I’m searching for
Flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone
Love’s carving it in the stone
Never, never let you go
Return the days we had before
Soul of my soul, blood of my blood
Love’s carving it in my heart

Gentle words, no aim
It seems we’re playing a game
Easy smile, but no fun
Sweet music for no one
Close embrace, but no more
Cold Champagne we forgot to pour
Baby now it has happened with us
We are dancing on broken glass
Can’t stand no more

kepada miss fyya..kamu akan teruja melihat vclip dia..typical russian vclip yang takde lalu lembaga penapisan ;P pissss

Sunday, 1 March 2009

lagu ini untuk kamu..lagu ini..lagu kita.:)

wawa posted hanya kau yang mampu vids kat facebook and i suddenly remember that i wanna put this song in here..

i gave mysayang this song thru email attchmnt but he hadn't listen to it yet..
he doesn't have d time to go online and see wutever sillycrap i sent..
hehe..well..bukan salah dia..i always have sumthng to attch in my emails..:P
he's the matured one..and i'm the childish-upsidedown-talkingfastandcrappy one..
we have so many diffrnces and yet so much things in common..
we like..
..sushi and fish@manhattan..
..movie and pocorns..
..bowling and icesakting..
..ciken beger at gudang..
..icecream mcDonald..
..ferrero rocher and tobleron..
..cats and kitten..
..jealous..and control freak..yes thats us..haha~

but we didn't go along with some facts..
..i like dogs..
..i like wearing jeans..
..i like hearing any type of music as long as it sparks me..
..i like talking and merepeking and laughing and talking again endlessly..
..i like window shopping..
..i like travelling..
..i like maggi kari..meletopp~

..he definitely dont fancy dogs..
..he likes me wearing baju kurung..
..he loves metallica..(i gave metallica a chance..but they blew it..sheeshh)
..he likes maggi tomyam..
..he likes staying indoor and play PS..no travelling..
..he prefer listening instead talking..he even more silent when he's mad..creepyscary

i like him more when..
..he likes window shopping with me..haha..itu reke..he juz said he likes being with me wherever~
..he can eat anything i cook in wutever final result and outcome..
..he call me..text me..whenever wherever he's free..
..he always put me first in most of his decision..
..he looks at me more than 10 sec..i definitely melt~
..he makes me feels like I'm the prettiest female species ever exist..theeehehe..*euphoria*
..he's not a sweet talker..so once he said sumthing sweet..he will blush..and i definitely adalah seketul awan yg terapung..

we had our fun moments together..and we had so many fights too..in fact there are some disagreement than still hidden inside the closet waiting to be settled..and some disagreement cant be settled and left afloat sumwhere under the sink..ok..i'm talking home interior~ :P

there's some times i felt left alone when he's busy..i even think that he's change into me..honestly i'm the kind of girlfriend who often forgot to text him during my free time..esp when i'm having so much fun and friends around..but he's not like that..
there's time when he proves that he's still himself..always putting me first..
;) phewww~
i adore that..but that also makes me feel scared..it hurts imagining if its not like that anymore..
so i pray hard..
so that God will help us hold our bond..and may it be sumthing that defines forever..

ok..seriously dah lari dari topik asal..cehh..ok..ini lagu kita..the end- ;)


Deras hati ku berdetak
Di langit aku terlihat kamu
Terang malam teman kita
Dengan angin meniup sayu

Kupetik gitar akustik ini
Dengan harapan dia mendengar
Melodi indah yang kucipta
Hanya untuk luahkan rinduku padanya

Dan aku terus…
Menyanyi lagu ini untukmu
Walau berjuta mendengar
Lagu ini hanya untukmu

Arah hidup kita
Digambar bintang di angkasa
Dan berkelip melukis cinta
Terciptalah Lagu Kita..

aaa.. ooooo…
aaa.. ooooo… huuuu…

Melodi indah yang ku cipta
Hanya untuk luahkan rinduku padanya

Terciptalah Lagu Kita…

Lagu Kita - Aizat

sungguh..saya sayang kamu..:)