Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, 5 March 2009

crappy cappy capry..

my horoscope personality reads i am a fatalistic..
what on earth is a fatalistic???
first guess..
being able to cause fatality??
seriously i'm able to do that?? cool~
haha..macam assassin plak..=D

that seriously shows my shallow vocab..*sigh*

fa'tal·is'tic adj

1. the acceptance of all things and events as inevitable; submission to fate: Her fatalism helped her to face death with stoic calm. 2.Acceptance of the belief that all events are predetermined and inevitable.

there..fatalistic ni macam menerime fate la lebih kurang..gituan~ bukan penyebab mane2 kematian or fatal event..so that's a new vocab ;) yeaay..

Traditional Capricorn Traits

  • Practical and prudent
  • Ambitious and disciplined
  • Patient and careful
  • Humorous and reserved
  • Pessimistic and fatalistic
  • Miserly and grudging
  • Overconventional and rigid
here goes something boring..ok..i bold which interest me the most.. The first time you meet a Capricorn they may appear aloof, but what they really are is cautious. Their interests are in art, theater, music, and in their own career. Usually they are drawn to people who are intellectually stimulating and they seek a partner who will fit into their realm of life. They prefer to discuss serious subjects, however, they will always be there to listen to a problem. People born under this sign appreciate luxury, although they don't like splurging to make an impression. They feel that money is a serious issue that spells out security.

Capricorns tend to be dominating and are not easy to win over. They also expect to be pursued and not be the pursuers. If you are going on a date with this zodiac sign, make sure you are prompt. If you say you will be there at a certain time, be there. They are intolerant to people who say something and do something else.(whohoo..but according to mysayang..im this kind of people..haha..:p *sigh..wut a gf*)

If you have a tendency to let your emotions rule you, then you may want to keep looking for someone else, since the Capricorn can come across as cool and reserved. As they take a common sense approach in almost everything they do, this will also apply to their relationship. They want to be cherished, honored, loved and respected. In return, passion will run deep and you will have a loving, lasting relationship. ;)

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