Masya Allah..Ramadhan bakal menjelang lagi..
6 tahun lepas Ramadhan ku dihabiskan di Ukraine..
6 tahun jugak lah Eid ku sambut di bumi Ukraine..
Eid tahun was more than just normal was when I first saw him..
In such a small community,when I thought I've seen every faces,there he was @ 605 openhouse,and made my heart smile.. I always think that he's a gift from Him..
He's a reflection of me in soooooo many ways actually..
Harini puasa ganti..I've 2days to go! Imagine that be honest I'm not a fasting kinda person..:p well anyway..when I was counting 'ehh smpat keee nk puase ni..kang tibe2 red flag..naya!'
But I do love Ramadhan..terasa sgt rahmat & kasih sayang Allah melimpah ruah..
Rasa mcm semuanya dirahmati..
Rase mcm tenang yg lain macam..
Rase dekat je dgn Allah..
Rase hijab doa mcm nipisss sahaje..
Sblm ni rasa tebalnye..
sbb dosa2 yg byk.
astaghfirullahal aziimm..
Approx less 2weeks before puase..
Then bila masuk puase..
Masya Allah..time will fly fast..
And wedding is near..insyaAllah..
I hope everything goes well..
I hope I hope I can seek for His berkat & blessing..
Sebab itu yg bantu melayari baki kehidupan bersama..'m beginning to love these plural reference ;p ;p
Hehe..ok till then..hope bertemu dengan Ramadhan lagi :) amiiinn
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Monday, 26 July 2010
my Eday..~
alhamdulillah berlangsung dgn baik..
cume few flaws..
things i cant let go till now is my make up..
that part sux to d max smpai rase nak nanges..
my final pict muke mcm tanned!!
it shows that i dont do well under pressure..
when things started to go wrong i panicked
padehal the basic i have already!
cume nak better kan je..
tapi rythm sume lari..
bile pikir rase sgt sedih..
jd psyched!!!!
dok rase nak belek2 gmbar org lain pnye engagement & wedding and dalam hati rase cam..
arrghhhhh..tensi tensi..
skrg baju xde yet for ANY event..
xde satu pun yg da tempah..
xde satu pun yg bergerak..
photographer takde lagi..
macam mane?
bile handle the matters sendri jd suxxx
bile bg org lain handle jd risau
boleh tak tanak buat ape2??
mahu semua org tolong buatkan saje..
sbb rase nak menangis sgt~ :(
but despite that..
alhamdulillah sume lain2 ok
makanan cukup
guest dtg just nice
cume i wonder grand sgt kot??
haha..serious..aritu pikir bese je
but pikir balik..
aiseehhh..mmg grand lahh~
abah cannot avoid inviting neighbours..hence the big crowd
mama cannot let guests sit on floor merate2 in d house..hence the 3kemahsss
me cannot not to invite my beloved ppl
faiz cannot not to have his kambing golek since its his doa selamat ceremony too
im enjoying the view of 'the ring' on my finger..
the one yg my future mother in law risau about..
but im loving everybit of it..despite of everything :) :)
and..i love mr.fiance keep on referring me as fiancee..haha ;p
another month to go..and fiancee no more! *^_^*
cume few flaws..
things i cant let go till now is my make up..
that part sux to d max smpai rase nak nanges..
my final pict muke mcm tanned!!
it shows that i dont do well under pressure..
when things started to go wrong i panicked
padehal the basic i have already!
cume nak better kan je..
tapi rythm sume lari..
bile pikir rase sgt sedih..
jd psyched!!!!
dok rase nak belek2 gmbar org lain pnye engagement & wedding and dalam hati rase cam..
arrghhhhh..tensi tensi..
skrg baju xde yet for ANY event..
xde satu pun yg da tempah..
xde satu pun yg bergerak..
photographer takde lagi..
macam mane?
bile handle the matters sendri jd suxxx
bile bg org lain handle jd risau
boleh tak tanak buat ape2??
mahu semua org tolong buatkan saje..
sbb rase nak menangis sgt~ :(
but despite that..
alhamdulillah sume lain2 ok
makanan cukup
guest dtg just nice
cume i wonder grand sgt kot??
haha..serious..aritu pikir bese je
but pikir balik..
aiseehhh..mmg grand lahh~
abah cannot avoid inviting neighbours..hence the big crowd
mama cannot let guests sit on floor merate2 in d house..hence the 3kemahsss
me cannot not to invite my beloved ppl
faiz cannot not to have his kambing golek since its his doa selamat ceremony too
im enjoying the view of 'the ring' on my finger..
the one yg my future mother in law risau about..
but im loving everybit of it..despite of everything :) :)
and..i love mr.fiance keep on referring me as fiancee..haha ;p
another month to go..and fiancee no more! *^_^*
Saturday, 24 July 2010
Approximately 1month 3weeks to go..
Smalam borak2 ngan maklang bout this..rse mcm funny pun ade..tak percaye pun ade..
After so long knowing him as a boyfie..
Dulu nk sbut nama dia dpan mama & abah leh merah la satu muke segan..
Dulu nk ckp pekataan kawen depan abah mcm nk tesekat kat kerongkong..cume referring event tu as 'event tu' je..haha
Wpun dulu awal2 lg wanting this to happen..dalam hati someday someday insya rase jauh lagi..
Skarang ni..bedebar..hope Allah permudahkan
Smalam borak2 ngan maklang bout this..rse mcm funny pun ade..tak percaye pun ade..
After so long knowing him as a boyfie..
Dulu nk sbut nama dia dpan mama & abah leh merah la satu muke segan..
Dulu nk ckp pekataan kawen depan abah mcm nk tesekat kat kerongkong..cume referring event tu as 'event tu' je..haha
Wpun dulu awal2 lg wanting this to happen..dalam hati someday someday insya rase jauh lagi..
Skarang ni..bedebar..hope Allah permudahkan
Friday, 23 July 2010
Thursday, 22 July 2010
counting days..
yaAllah i am sooo cuak right now..
semoga weekend ni berjalan dgn lancar..
sarah&mael is getting marriedn 0n 24th..hah..derang lagi cuak kan..;p
but aaaaa..i am so cuak..
aritu mcm seems easy je nak jd wonder woman sume buat sendri..skali bile cube buat..hamek..tak reti dowwwww!! i really thought i can do this..*sigh*
well..i manage to make a ribbon..but it looks like as if it has been stepped on -___-;
mama is sad..
i can feel it..
mama wants me to settle down here..but since he already in Ipoh..means i have to go there & follow him..
when she knows that i already set my mind..accepting the fact that i'll live there most prob forever..she's kinda 'terasa'..
she said that her friend can help for my penempatan here..and she can also transfer him..but he said he cant since he have to take of his parents..and me defending him..saying its his duty..mama kinda terasa summore~
i dun know..
mcm2 feeling inside..
only God knows how nervous i am to face this challenge..~
i faham perasaan mama..
bile teringat apa mama myself terasa nak nanges..
lately asek bergenang airmata..
Ipoh-KL 3 hours je..and ade highway summore..
things will be alright kan??
i hope~
semoga weekend ni berjalan dgn lancar..
sarah&mael is getting marriedn 0n 24th..hah..derang lagi cuak kan..;p
but aaaaa..i am so cuak..
aritu mcm seems easy je nak jd wonder woman sume buat sendri..skali bile cube buat..hamek..tak reti dowwwww!! i really thought i can do this..*sigh*
well..i manage to make a ribbon..but it looks like as if it has been stepped on -___-;
mama is sad..
i can feel it..
mama wants me to settle down here..but since he already in Ipoh..means i have to go there & follow him..
when she knows that i already set my mind..accepting the fact that i'll live there most prob forever..she's kinda 'terasa'..
she said that her friend can help for my penempatan here..and she can also transfer him..but he said he cant since he have to take of his parents..and me defending him..saying its his duty..mama kinda terasa summore~
i dun know..
mcm2 feeling inside..
only God knows how nervous i am to face this challenge..~
i faham perasaan mama..
bile teringat apa mama myself terasa nak nanges..
lately asek bergenang airmata..
Ipoh-KL 3 hours je..and ade highway summore..
things will be alright kan??
i hope~
Tuesday, 13 July 2010
selamat tinggal Simferopol~
aku akan pulang ke Malaysia TODAAAAYYYY!!!!!
hmm..pasti akan rindu segala2nye di sini..
..internet yg laju
..makanan yg best
..tempat lepak yg semakin cool
..lepak bilik zen smpai 2-3 pagi lepas tu lari balik bilik sambil zen teman thru telefon since die pun penakut utk send me pulang alone~
..rindu katil kegemaran walaupun bukan Kingcoil..tapi bejaya wat ku tido smpai tengahari la jugak
..rindu comforter kuning yang menggantikan yg dirindui
..rindu makanan last resort kat AC yg ntah2 tak tahu budak2 malaysian panggil kedai makan die AC instead of Princessa
btw pizza Roma is da bomba~
pasti akan rindu segala2nya..tempat jatuh bangun dalam pelajaran..dalam cinta..dalam persahabatan...
aku jatuh cinta disini..
dengan doa dan harapan ianya adalah untuk sampai ke tua..
aku sayang kawan2 disini..
dengan harapan kenangan akan terus dicipta sampai ke tua..
aku selalu wonder mungkin kah akan aku lupe sedikit demi sedikit tentang tempat ni..
aku harap ada peluang untuk kembali menghirup udaranya..
aku pasti rindu..
pasti rindu..
pasti rindu semuanya..~
flight to istanbul : 1325
Monday, 12 July 2010
free your heart..................
ease your mind................
then only you can feel...
the L.O.V.E...............
erase your suspicion..
lose you doubt..
i can feel it..
& it hurts..
Monday, 5 July 2010
some past does haunt u..
it might haunt u for the rest of ur life..
it might haunt u down to ur grave..
so as a reminder..
do watch ur step..
do think the consequences of ur act..
do consider heavily the path u will take..
i know
cuz i didnt watch my step..
didnt think the consequences of my act..
and chose my path lightly..
and it haunt me..
like a dark and heavy cloud..
it doesnt just torture me physically..
it felt heavy inside..
its hard to breath sometime..
cuz the reminder of it brings so much pain..
deep inside me..
your act indescribably cause this pain..
ur ego
ur ignorance
ur words
and i just wanna lie here..
and shut the world that reminds me of that pain..
i hope tomorrow will be better
Saturday, 3 July 2010
haritu macam berkobar2 semangat jiwa nak shop for my barang dulang here..
sebab sumeorg mcm ''ooohh going there to buy brg hantaran yeee??''
i know its BIG SALE here now..
*teeehheee..i just shop selfishly yesterday*
but i found it kinda hard to search anything for him..
definitely need partial opinion since i'll get mental disorientation if trying to snifffff d whole i fancy having 'em in gift perfume with tiny-miny stuff around it..
so endup deciding istanbul or malaysia~
a big Q mark on my forehead if i ever step into that department alone..~
im not a big fan of putting kasut on out that part..~
my stuff..
i got my eyes on one set of VSecret that comes with a cute round box..quite a bummer since i think that particular type is kinda outdated
humm..again..not a big fan having handbags on dulang..but i need variation!
that's mainly the stuff i planned to grab here..but endup not liking~
maybe cuz i went alone..
i dun wanna grab daddy along..kesian him
and some more in my mind i keep on thinking..ala bli kat malaysia je..senang bawak~
plus some more its megasale too rite?
sooooooo...empty handed boleh tak???~
oh btw..
here still iphone 4 fever..
hardly to get them on stock! mostly preordered !
and since most of em are locked by the carrier..means their customer first if its there on-stock..
for me to buy it? i'll only get to stand at the end of the preorder..noncustomer..not staying in UK.. -_-'
but i get to hold it and play the displayed one..:D
great stuff..
but no suprise tho..haha
i mean..its everything u thought an iphone would be..
of coz with enhanced spect..but generally it it still the same iphone..:P
well..knowing that i'll never get a grab of that here plus im not an iphone crazy fan type so if its not for me in UK..then..wutever..~
*definitly not going to search high and low for one*
so i'll just wait it in malaysia if i want one..
or just stick on with my BB plan..
BB seems a bit cool and layed back..
well..its kinda irritating sometime how iphone fan can be so overly obsessed with it..i mean yeah yeah we get it..its cool,excellent design,great software la la la..but then just buy it normally like normal people do will ya?? ;p
ouh..2weeks more utk kembali ke pangkuan ibunda..
tak sabar!
till then..
sebab sumeorg mcm ''ooohh going there to buy brg hantaran yeee??''
i know its BIG SALE here now..
*teeehheee..i just shop selfishly yesterday*
but i found it kinda hard to search anything for him..
definitely need partial opinion since i'll get mental disorientation if trying to snifffff d whole i fancy having 'em in gift perfume with tiny-miny stuff around it..
so endup deciding istanbul or malaysia~
a big Q mark on my forehead if i ever step into that department alone..~
im not a big fan of putting kasut on out that part..~
my stuff..
i got my eyes on one set of VSecret that comes with a cute round box..quite a bummer since i think that particular type is kinda outdated
humm..again..not a big fan having handbags on dulang..but i need variation!
that's mainly the stuff i planned to grab here..but endup not liking~
maybe cuz i went alone..
i dun wanna grab daddy along..kesian him
and some more in my mind i keep on thinking..ala bli kat malaysia je..senang bawak~
plus some more its megasale too rite?
sooooooo...empty handed boleh tak???~
oh btw..
here still iphone 4 fever..
hardly to get them on stock! mostly preordered !
and since most of em are locked by the carrier..means their customer first if its there on-stock..
for me to buy it? i'll only get to stand at the end of the preorder..noncustomer..not staying in UK.. -_-'
but i get to hold it and play the displayed one..:D
great stuff..
but no suprise tho..haha
i mean..its everything u thought an iphone would be..
of coz with enhanced spect..but generally it it still the same iphone..:P
well..knowing that i'll never get a grab of that here plus im not an iphone crazy fan type so if its not for me in UK..then..wutever..~
*definitly not going to search high and low for one*
so i'll just wait it in malaysia if i want one..
or just stick on with my BB plan..
BB seems a bit cool and layed back..

ouh..2weeks more utk kembali ke pangkuan ibunda..
tak sabar!
till then..
Thursday, 1 July 2010
hari ini dalam sejarah
my baby polar silver was born
my baby polar silver
cant wait to meet you
cant wait to hold you
harap semua nya lancar..aminn~
my baby polar silver
cant wait to meet you
cant wait to hold you
harap semua nya lancar..aminn~
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