Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Thursday, 29 July 2010

Ramadhan AlMubarak

Masya Allah..Ramadhan bakal menjelang lagi..
6 tahun lepas Ramadhan ku dihabiskan di Ukraine..
6 tahun jugak lah Eid ku sambut di bumi Ukraine..

Eid tahun kedua..it was more than just normal Eid..it was when I first saw him..
In such a small community,when I thought I've seen every faces,there he was @ 605 openhouse,and made my heart smile.. I always think that he's a gift from Him..
He's a reflection of me in soooooo many ways actually..

Harini puasa ganti..I've 2days to go! Imagine that lazzzyy..well..to be honest I'm not a fasting kinda person..:p well anyway..when I was counting 'ehh smpat keee nk puase ni..kang tibe2 red flag..naya!'

But I do love Ramadhan..terasa sgt rahmat & kasih sayang Allah melimpah ruah..
Rasa mcm semuanya dirahmati..
Rase mcm tenang yg lain macam..
Rase dekat je dgn Allah..
Rase hijab doa mcm nipisss sahaje..
Sblm ni rasa tebalnye..
sbb dosa2 yg byk.
astaghfirullahal aziimm..

Approx less 2weeks before puase..
Then bila masuk puase..
Masya Allah..time will fly fast..
And wedding is near..insyaAllah..
I hope everything goes well..
I hope I hope I can seek for His berkat & blessing..
Sebab itu yg bantu melayari baki kehidupan bersama..

Wow..bersama..kami..kita..us..we..together..I'm beginning to love these plural reference ;p ;p

Hehe..ok till then..hope bertemu dengan Ramadhan lagi :) amiiinn

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