Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Saturday, 3 July 2010


haritu macam berkobar2 semangat jiwa nak shop for my barang dulang here..
sebab sumeorg mcm ''ooohh going there to buy brg hantaran yeee??''
i know its BIG SALE here now..
*teeehheee..i just shop selfishly yesterday*

but i found it kinda hard to search anything for him..

definitely need partial opinion since i'll get mental disorientation if trying to snifffff d whole shop..plus i fancy having 'em in gift pack..one perfume with tiny-miny stuff around it..
so endup deciding istanbul or malaysia~

a big Q mark on my forehead if i ever step into that department alone..~

im not a big fan of putting kasut on dulang..so out that part..~

my stuff..
i got my eyes on one set of VSecret that comes with a cute round box..quite a bummer since i think that particular type is kinda outdated

humm..again..not a big fan having handbags on dulang..but i need variation!

that's mainly the stuff i planned to grab here..but endup not liking~
maybe cuz i went alone..
i dun wanna grab daddy along..kesian him
and some more in my mind i keep on thinking..ala bli kat malaysia je..senang bawak~
plus some more its megasale too rite?

sooooooo...empty handed boleh tak???~

oh btw..
here still iphone 4 fever..
hardly to get them on stock! mostly preordered !
and since most of em are locked by the carrier..means their customer first if its there on-stock..
for me to buy it? i'll only get to stand at the end of the line..no preorder..noncustomer..not staying in UK.. -_-'

but i get to hold it and play the displayed one..:D
great stuff..
but no suprise tho..haha
i mean..its everything u thought an iphone would be..
of coz with enhanced spect..but generally it it still the same iphone..:P
well..knowing that i'll never get a grab of that here plus im not an iphone crazy fan type so if its not for me in UK..then..wutever..~
*definitly not going to search high and low for one*

so i'll just wait it in malaysia if i want one..
or just stick on with my BB plan..
BB seems a bit cool and layed back..

well..its kinda irritating sometime how iphone fan can be so overly obsessed with it..i mean yeah yeah we get it..its cool,excellent design,great software la la la..but then just buy it normally like normal people do will ya?? ;p

ouh..2weeks more utk kembali ke pangkuan ibunda..
tak sabar!

till then..

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